PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

qloudy 0.1.0 Framework for spatial queries of large point cloud collections 2025-02-16 00:42:28
space2stats-client 1.0.0 A Python client for accessing sub-national variation data through the Space2Stats API 2025-02-13 11:40:29
stpipeline 2.0.0 ST Pipeline: An automated pipeline for spatial mapping of unique transcripts 2025-02-09 10:39:42
spatools 0.0.6 This comprehensive toolkit enables the analysis of multiple spatial transcriptomics datasets, offering a wide range of analytical capabilities. It supports various types of analyses, including detailed plotting and advanced image analysis, to help you gain deeper insights into your spatial transcriptomics data. 2025-02-01 01:57:24
geostat 0.11.3 Model spatial data with Gaussian processes 2025-01-30 18:03:00
dask-geopandas 0.4.3 Parallel GeoPandas with Dask 2025-01-19 21:11:47
scikit-spatial 8.1.0 Spatial objects and computations based on NumPy arrays. 2024-12-23 22:06:58
pixelgen-pixelator 0.19.0 A command-line tool and library to process and analyze sequencing data from Molecular Pixelation (MPX) assays. 2024-12-10 21:05:12
debiased-spatial-whittle 0.3.5 Spatial Debiased Whittle likelihood for fast inference of spatio-temporal covariance models from gridded data 2024-12-05 23:41:21
pygeoif 1.5.1 A basic implementation of the __geo_interface__ 2024-12-05 20:47:08
jax-scipy-spatial 0.2.5 Scipy spatial API for JAX 2024-11-27 16:26:13
geohash-python 0.1.0 A Python implementation of the Geohash algorithm compatible with python-geohash 2024-11-24 14:49:30
h3ronpy 0.21.1 Data science toolkit for the H3 geospatial grid 2024-10-04 19:01:39
concordex 1.0.2 Identification of spatial homogeneous regions with concordex 2024-09-30 17:48:03
labda 0.0.12 Library for Advanced Behavioural Data Analysis 2024-09-26 06:20:05
pdal-plugins 1.6.2 Point cloud data processing Python plugins 2024-09-24 23:04:37
pc-rasterize 0.2.0 Rasterize point cloud data in parallel 2024-09-19 19:04:27
Orange3-spatial 0.1.0 A collection of widgets that perform operations on the data given some x and y axes 2024-07-29 21:48:48
Rtree 1.3.0 R-Tree spatial index for Python GIS 2024-07-10 00:46:22
holosense 0.1.0 Depth perception and spatial localization from MediaPipe face mesh coordinates. Tracks within an inch at 5ft distance from the camera 2024-06-29 05:50:38
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